Monday, October 11, 2004 |
Undoing Expectations...expected? |
So, what do you need from me?!? What do you see that feasts your expectations?! I have not wisdom tooth that you hope to find solutions (Nope. Not even a hint) to your ragbag. I have not a thing that you 'assume' meets your eye...not somebody who will get you out of your $^!%.
I am hear me?! I am too smitten with the anima to contemplate shrugging it off and listen to what you coo. Narcissistic to every ounce of bait you seek...every bead of sweat on the forehead...each bit of nail-clipping dispossessed when partially seated on that sunday matrimonial supplement...every furtive self-adoring glance in the mirror.
Right! I pretty well get the attraction bit, but do you understand that I do not have it in me to sustain your interest any beyond?!
[Loop]I think>I practise>I vacillate>I (temporarily) fade into anonymity[/Loop]
Expect more?!
posted by Shivranjini Krishnamurthy @ 10/11/2004 04:57:00 PM  |
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