Thursday, September 23, 2004 |
ConvocatED and et cetera |

Heh. That's a deliberate expression okay!
So, National Law School holds its 12th Annual Convocation on the 29th of August (roughly a month back, to sound it easy) and guess what's the event highlight?! Your friendly household bug/football-er/shrink/nag/babe strikes a 'world-peace' pose right up the ambo, and why you ask?!
Andy Warhol's "15-minutes of fame" not withstanding, the guttural tones from deep inside read: "No! No No No No No No! Well, Yes!" a la Homer Simpson. Mind you, deciphering these tones aint an easy job okay!! But I went the green mile for, just rejoice and roll in the mud. *grins*
The trip to Bangalore was a well-deserved and welcome break. Met an ex-colleague (VT) from Cyber Media (of the Dataquest, PC Quest, etc fame) who accompanied me around the city, fed me, bought a book and I flicked another from his car. Aww...C'mon! Of course, I warned him abt getting stranded in the midst of nowhere, minus his car and wallet. But he continued and I can't keep complaining, can I?!? VT, you are a great guy. I'll do sumthn about your birthday gift ASAP...still wondering if it should be a book or some music. Ideas from the masses 'out there' are welcome with 'no string attached'. And that's only voluntary job okay! I aint got no penny to give you for that.
Bangalore has an absolutely comfortable public transport system. And this, my brothers and sisters (okie, 'friends' if you want), restricts to the buses and the auto-rickshaws. Dunno about other modes of available trasport. And I won't forget to mention the zilch language trouble.
Most buses have lady-conductors and of course they don't letch at men (or, women and other brethren thereof) or brush past them, unlike their male counterparts elsewhere in Northern-India. To give you a picture of how bad things could be, if I hadn't warned you that is: Most people hastily conduct organ-checks after alighting from the buses, forget wallets n other tangibles. Not that they can fight back the yanked out 'part of the body' and promptly zip it back but its just part of their 'dull' routine. You must travel by a bus in Delhi or the Buffalo-belt states to have a 'hands-on' of what I demand the 'commuting' masses to know.
Issued in interest of people of non-Indian origin or residence: Stay not surprised by our promotion to commuting by buses. Factually, we always did...just that you were all a little too preoccupied with pachyderms on your head.
Personal Disclaimer: The disturbing descriptions (if any) across this write-up are not entirely true but the author doesn't qualify them under the fictional header. The readers, hereof, are advised to keep a salt n pepper jar handy to practice 'wise' discretion. |
posted by Shivranjini Krishnamurthy @ 9/23/2004 05:13:00 PM  |
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