Monday, July 28, 2003 |
Cerebral Grind...*Plop* |
Helluva learning session @ my new office; brush up my accidental ***-cheek resting on HTML n do-it-yourself exercises of XML, Robohelp and HTML-Tidy. I contemplate I am forced to shed my gawk n reveal the GEEK *GRINS*.
Hey!! y'day was my official entry into Planet earth...umm if u insist, 22 years back. and here's my reflection on the course of events that's capsuled
in my personal history now.
@ Shaweta>> Quite a BOLD way to give vent to a feeling that blinds (partially) ur senses in the otherwise NORMAL life....while, I simply preferred not to show my embarassment in accepting it. I was facing a rapid-fire round in the EQ quarter of my brain...almost like the popcorns in a pre-heated oven; declaring it STRIKE ONE, as they do in baseball.
Why do they call it BASEball when all the ball does is to evade the down-to-earth propaganda of travel???
Funny people at my wrkplace eh!! They insist on long processes for something so trifle as picking your nose...*aachoo* :slurp:...ummm neva mind. Unless you are a real DOT and have ****ed up your life big time or insist on staying doped by ignorance, you'd wanna take a shorter route that doesnt really compromise on the quality. What's gonna b more Iblis-Q (ney...that aint Obelisk's lost bro) than labeling them all as PCL (Pakistan Computers Ltd.) products...Saale Pakis; awrite NO hate mails n abridged propaganda.
Hell!! NO. I am not to deflect from my chosen topic of rant.
:Runs pell-mell over cobbled stones preventing pitfalls:
*scamper scamper*
:The scimitar is drawn out of the scabbard:
-----------------------------------------------FADE AWAY |
posted by Shivranjini Krishnamurthy @ 7/28/2003 09:13:00 PM  |
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